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Home · Plastic surgeons · Intimate area · Vaginoplasty · Dr. Mykola Kuznetsov
Surgeon Mykola

Dr. Mykola Kuznetsov

Plastic Surgeon, MD
5.0 2 reviews
clinic location Kyiv, Ukraine
15 years of experience
150 surgeries per year

About the plastic surgeon

Mykola Kuznetsov is a plastic surgeon, MD. With 15 years of experience, he has a deep expertise in a facial surgery, rhinoplasty and septoplasty in particular.

Mykola completed multiple professional training courses at the leading clinics in Ukraine, Germany, Turkey and Russia, with a focus on facial surgery. Member of European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery.

Available surgeries

duration of package 1 hour 30 minutes - Kyiv, Ukraine
clinic-viewmore ADONIS Medical Group
Services included arrow-down $1100
Eyebrows plasty
duration of package 1 hour 30 minutes - Kyiv, Ukraine
clinic-viewmore ADONIS Medical Group
Services included arrow-down $1650
Chin endoprosthetics
duration of package 1 hour - Kyiv, Ukraine
clinic-viewmore ADONIS Medical Group
Services included arrow-down $1650
duration of package 2 hours 30 minutes - Kyiv, Ukraine
clinic-viewmore ADONIS Medical Group
Services included arrow-down $3480
Forehead lift
duration of package 2 hours - Kyiv, Ukraine
clinic-viewmore ADONIS Medical Group
Services included arrow-down $2020
Two third of face lift
duration of package 2 hours - Kyiv, Ukraine
clinic-viewmore ADONIS Medical Group
Services included arrow-down $2850

Language of consultation

English , Ukrainian , Russian


2000-2006 Kyiv Medical University of the Ukrainian Association of Folk Medicine
2006-2009 Kyiv Medical University of the Ukrainian Association of Folk Medicine, Internship in Surgery
2008-2010 National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (NMAPE) named after P.L. Shupyk, scientific work at the Department of Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery
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Seminars and training

2014 Finesse in Facial Plastic Surgery (Regensburg, Germany)
2017 Shared secrets. (Odessa, Ukraine)
2018 Preservation Rhinoplasty (Istanbul, Turkey)
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Customer rating and reviews

5.0 2 reviews
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Please send your rating and review to reviews@trustsurgeons.com using the email address you used for booking an online consultation on TrustSurgeons. If the email matches our customer records, we will publish your review.
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December 2020
Since childhood, I was not happy with my nose, because it was a pronounced Armenian nose. Complicated about this. And therefore, when I was ready mentally and in age, I chose the Adonis clinic to do rhinoplasty. From the very first day, from the first consultation, I was imbued with confidence in this doctor – a tactful, attentive and courteous person, and it is immediately clear that you have a high-class specialist in front of you. Of course, I was afraid and worried, especially on the day of the operation and not so much for the operation itself as for the outcome, but the result exceeded my expectations. My whole life took on a different shade, more optimistic. “Has changed, has become prettier” – acquaintances, friends, relatives said. I gained confidence in myself and now harmony reigns around and inside! I am infinitely grateful to the doctor and everyone who participated in my transformation. And there are no words that could express it !!! Thanks
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November 2020
Everything would have been done perfectly just the way I wanted. No complications. I am very happy with the result. Special thanks to the clinic staff for their sensitive attitude. And of course – to Mykola Kuznetsov, a master of his craft.
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Home · Plastic surgeons · Intimate area · Vaginoplasty · Dr. Mykola Kuznetsov